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How to Lower Humidity in Your House

How to Lower Humidity in Your House

This easy-to-understand guide can help you take control of humidity levels in your home, apartment, or business location. We answer several FAQs about getting the ideal indoor humidity in Phoenix, AZ:

  • What are the signs your home is too humid?
  • How can you lower humidity in the house?
  • How does air conditioner maintenance help with humidity levels?

A common misconception is that Arizona weather is always dry. Actually, during the summer months and monsoon season, humidity increases significantly in Phoenix, AZ. Elevated humidity levels can cause problems for indoor surfaces, potentially leading to mold growth and structural problems. Fortunately, our tips can show you how to lower humidity in the house and stay comfortable year-round.

How Can I Reduce Indoor Humidity?

One of the best things you can do to lower humidity is to keep excess moisture out. Hidden moisture is one of the main causes of indoor humidity problems for homes and businesses. This includes things such as roof leaks, leaky pipes, cracked cement, and even houseplants.

How Can I Tell If My Home Is Too Humid?

Generally, humid indoor air is stuffy or heavy. Do you frequently have clammy skin or feel like your clothes stick to you? Does it seem like you have a heavy blanket on you when you try to sleep at night? An uncomfortable climate often means humidity is too high.

Other humidity warning signs are related to things in your home:

  • Musty smells: Moist or musty smells in closets, corners or HVAC ducts means there’s excess moisture somewhere.
  • Mold: Phoenix weather doesn’t normally cause mold growth, even when humidity is higher. If you see mold, there may be a water leak nearby.
  • Mildew: When getting rid of mildew in your bathtub or shower is difficult, it’s a sign that overall humidity in the bathroom is too high.
  • Peeling or cracked paint: Excess indoor humidity and roof leaks can both cause noticeable paint problems.
  • Water stains: Wet walls, ceilings, floors or furniture all indicate humidity issues or water damage. For example, if you see a stain on the ceiling underneath a second-story bathroom, your tub may have a leak. These wet spots often cause dark or yellowish stains.
  • Condensation: In Phoenix and The Valley, you should never see condensation on window surfaces or pipes. Any time water droplets form inside; humidity levels are higher than normal.

How Can I Reduce My Humidity Levels?

If roof leaks, clogged gutters, or damaged pipes are causing moisture damage, the first thing you should do is have the problem fixed. Otherwise, humidity issues will continue. What else can you do to reduce your home’s humidity?

1. Buy a Dehumidifier

The easiest solution for indoor humidity is to get a portable dehumidifier. You can put it in a room that is having moisture problems, such as a bedroom or bathroom. If you go this route, our technicians can help you choose a dependable (and quiet) model that’s right for your home’s size, your needs, and your budget.

That said, dehumidifiers aren’t always our go-to answer in Phoenix. You’re probably only going to need it for 2 or 3 months a year. The rest of the time, Arizona’s weather keeps you high and dry. In fact, some Phoenix residents actually need humidifiers to breathe comfortably in drier months.

2. Make Sure Exhaust Fans Are Working Properly

The kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom usually have more humidity than other rooms. To avoid issues, these rooms should have exhaust fans installed. Fans extract moist air and vent it outside, so the indoors does stay cool and dry.

For older exhaust fans, you may have to flip a switch to turn them on. Newer models have a humidity sensor that activates automatically. Check if yours works by listening for the hum the next time you’re in the shower.

3. Skip the Steamy Showers

Soaking tired muscles in a hot shower can feel so good, but you need to keep an eye on humidity levels in your house. If you’re running into moisture issues, try turning down the temperature in the shower, so it doesn’t release as much steam into the air. Another alternative is to go for a hot soak in the tub instead.

4. Turn on the Air Conditioner

Most people don’t know that your air conditioner is one of the best tools for reducing humidity. This applies to whole-home AC systems (e.g., central air) and ductless mini-splits, too. During the process of extracting hot air from inside the home, your air conditioning system also gets rid of the humidity. That’s why air conditioners have condensate drains outside.

What if your air conditioner can’t seem to keep up with sweltering temperatures? It may be time for an AC upgrade. Modern air conditioners are more effective than older models, giving you more bang for your buck and saving you money on electricity, too.

5. Let Houseplants Breathe

Most plants increase indoor humidity levels. During the dry season, that can actually be a good thing, but humid summer air is a problem. Of course, a little greenery can make your day happier and help you relax.

One option is to keep plants close to a window and let them breathe for a while after watering. Another solution is to keep them on the patio during humid months — perhaps under an umbrella to avoid direct sunlight.

6. Call HVAC Pros for Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance

As we mentioned, keeping your air conditioner working smoothly is one of the most important ways to enjoy ideal humidity levels in the home. Clogged filters, clogged condensate drain pipes, and other AC problems can cause water damage and high humidity. The good news is that as long as you call our HVAC professionals for preventative air conditioner maintenance, your home or business can stay perfectly comfortable no matter the weather.

Air Conditioning Specialists in Phoenix, AZ

Do let high humidity affect your home, apartment, or business location. At AccuTemp, we’re experts in indoor comfort. We can measure humidity levels inside, help you locate the problem, and provide solutions that work. That way, you feel great during the day and sleep better at night. Contact our friendly team in The Valley right away to learn more!


Featured Image: Mariia Boiko/Shutterstock

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